Monday, July 5, 2010

Stranger #1

Linda Lee

I met Linda while she was busy feeding the homeless in downtown Houston.  Right there on the street, no building, no tables, just lots of love.

She told me she started this a few months ago after seeing lots of food go to waste following a catered lunch. She thought she could just pack it up and distribute it out here in the downtown area.  Well it was such a blessing that about 7months ago they started doing it every day. So every day Linda , her daughter Amanda and a few other volunteers cook up a large meal and bring it down to the inter city and distribute it. They simply drive up to this building across from the police department and set the pots on the dock high porch and start serving.

“So who Pays for all of this?” I ask
“Well we do, with the help a few other friends.”
“So,  No 501-C3, no charity group, No thoughts of tax deductions, just done out of the love in your hearts.”
“Yep, God provides” she states in a matter of fact tone.

It was wonderful just standing and watching them interact with the people, their “friends” as she calls them.  “I love to look them in the eyes and treat them with respect” she says.  Many reciprocate by giving her a hug which she gladly receives. One brought her a crumpled up candy bar which she received with grace thanking him for being so kind.

“We now know quite a few of them by name.” she says proudly “and we have watched several get apartments.”

It has become such an important part of their lives that Amanda’s husband proposed to her right here on this street while she was serving. He was around the corner and handed out roses to the people waiting in line with instructions to give them to Amanda. He then came around the corner and proposed to her right in front of the serving line.

They ran out of food the day I met these wonderful people, but Amanda quickly broke out the peanut butter and made a few quick sandwiches.

Amazing people, just out making a difference in the lives of others.  Definitely made a difference in my life today. Thank you Linda Lee for showing the Christ like person you really are.


aggie said...

LOVE this story and THIS project!!!! looking forward to seeing MORE!!!

Lady12 said...

WOW!!!! This is an amazing story!!!! I am so interested to see your future posts!!!!

matthewhensonsr said...

Thank you so much for your comment. She is an amazing person with a great big heart.

matthewhensonsr said...

Thanks, She truly blessed me just watching her. Please feel free to comment on future post in any way you feel, I am really looking for comments more about the "stranger" although it is fun to have compliments.
You can expect to see post about one a week.
Thanks again

Tony Gambone said...

Awesome Website, I LOVE this!!!!!! Someone who is a stranger to us is a Godsend to others. God bless Linda and the people she helps!

Unknown said...

Thanks Tony, Linda truly is a God send to these people and I know God is proud to have her as His ambassador!

Tony Gambone said...

Hi Matthew,
I have a blog radio show and would like to find out about interviewing Linda. I promote Business Owners and would love the chance to tell everyone about Linda. My show airs 3 days a week and is booked until the 1st week of Sept. I would fit her into a show next week. Please let me know how to get in touch with Linda. I would also like having you on as a guest. You can check out my website to hear other interviews and see the directory that I provide for the guest of the show.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Unknown said...

FANTISTIC!! I will e-mail your comment to her. She is truly a delight to talk with and I know she would be great on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt & everyone else! My name is Amanda & I'm actually Linda Lee's daughter (& best friend lol). Thank you for all of your kind words. My mom is definitely incredible & I hope that I become more & more like her in this life, inside & out. It is truly amazing what God has done in the lives of our homeless friends downtown since November. I told him on the 8th day of serving that if He would continue to provide, I would continue to serve these precious people - His precious children. WELL, here it is almost 7 months later & He has made a way 7 days a week!!! It is so humbling to be used for His glory, especially when you know where & what He has brought you out of. It is really comforting to know that there are people interested in what we are doing, people that genuinely care. Please keep us in your prayers. It is only the love of Christ that compels us to serve & give & love. If anyone reading this doesn't have a relationship with Jesus, if you have never asked Him to live in your heart & be your Lord & savior, I plead with you to do that today. What are you waiting for? We aren't promised tomorrow, get your heart right with your maker today. If you would like, email me & I will call & pray with you. That would thrill me. Be blessed in Jesus name!

Amanda Herring said...

Did not mean for my last comment to be anonymous ;) Again, my name is Amanda. You can email me at Feel free to ask any questions about Feed a Friend (which is what we call the homeless ministry) or about a relationship with Jesus. Thank you!

Donna D said...

Great concept and heart to remind us we don't have to be strangers. What a fascinating way to meet people and share their lives with us. Thanks.

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